The Great Conversation

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Leadership Across All Markets: Another Great Conversation

From the moment we first launched The Great Conversation in Security, we realized that true innovation, optimization, and change could only occur if we had the right leaders. Leadership is not titular. That is, it does not demand a title. We have not only been talking CSOs, CISOs and CEOs, but we also turn to subject matter experts in technology, leadership, intelligence and organizational culture who don’t necessarily have a C-Level title but are doing their part to transform their sphere of influence.

Our “security leaders” have suggested that I move beyond security as well. They are interested in how other leaders in for-profit or non-profit organizations integrated their purpose and their values into their profession as well as the tools they leveraged to optimize their people’s performance over time.

I was in the IT Software and business process optimization world before I acquired my first customer in physical security. I have always been a student of leadership, through my contacts, my readings, and my experiences.

Because of this, I have decided to launch our new series that will span all industries and organizations this month: The Great Conversation in Leadership.

You will discover people you have never heard of and some you have. All of them unscripted conversations that may change your perspective or encourage you to pursue an idea that might change your world.

As always, I consider this a membership driven knowledge repository that you can leverage for onboarding new employees, leadership training and development, or a foundation for strategic meetings across your organization and market ecosystems. We count on our members to suggest leaders, topics, and discussion points that they want to hear and learn from.

Please enjoy our current conversations. You will hear from:

  • John Hartman, Founder of CEOtoCEO, who wanted to know what was front of mind for CEOs. He was curious as well as motivated. To drive his talent management business, it was important to know the mind of his clients. In 2005, he jumped in with both feet and started a monthly breakfast meeting that provided CEOs a place at the table with their peers along with a keynote of other leaders in the community. It was an immediate success. We sit down with him to learn about his journey and what he learned about CEOs along the way.

  • Laura Berland and Evan Harrel join us representing The Center of Compassionate Leadership. In many conversations with security leaders, we have seen more and more emphasis in building empathy into the leadership toolkit. But empathy takes a mindset that is foundational to the core curriculum that the center is using in its association with Cornell University and to its students worldwide.

  • Annette White-Klososky, a partner at Future Point of View, advises CEOs and their teams on leadership and organizational culture. She shares her tools of engagement including the need to be human and digitally aware to adapt to the changes ahead.

  • Dr. Rob McKenna, Founder of WiLD and one of the top industrial psychologists in the world, brings his insights from working with organizations like Boeing, Alaska Airlines, Microsoft and Children’s Hospital, to describe the unique character of a leader. He also provides us mechanisms to participate in leadership forums, a description of the WiLD toolkit and resources that we can access to determine our leadership baseline and the questions we need to be asking ourselves to move forward confidently and courageously.

  • Hugh Blane, a nationally recognized business strategist, provides us insights into high performing leaders and their teams. If you want to learn how to flourish in all circumstances, Hugh is a great resource.

We look forward, as always, to your insights and recommendations while we travel together on our individual and collective path to value.
