As we publish the June 2021 Great Conversation Playlist, we are struck with the ancient notion that leadership navigates between the collegial and the solitary; the master and the masterless. It is a dance. It can be poetry in motion. It can be potholes on a lonely virgin road. The leaders in this series have it all. Pull up to the roundtable for a great conversation.
The Great Conversation Playlist for May 2021
Like a pebble thrown into the water, each of our conversations enters the vast waters of our markets and world, rippling outward, and touching people in profound ways. You barely notice the outlying circles, of many ideas until you are living them. Join another Great Conversation with this playlist for May.
The Great Conversation Playlist for April 2021
Great Conversation Playlist for March 2021
In our conversations, we meet leaders who are actively conscious. They ponder their experiences and the hard facts of their reality, and believe they have the opportunity for innovation and change. Enjoy the March 2021 playlist and take away a few nuggets that will energize your next steps on your path to value.
Great Conversations in February 2021: The Power of 'Why'
The word ‘Why’ seems to be the calling of this generation. Answering the big causal question. The Great Conversation is no different. Answering the ‘why’ is a source of individual empowerment, team efficacy, and generational transformation. This months playlist promises to feed you with ideas that will empower your ‘why’.
Now is the Time to Engage with Leaders from Around the World
The Six Phase Changes Shaping the Access Control Industry
Just when you thought you knew the shape of the access control market, change happens. It can be disconcerting. But if you are looking beyond the product into how events are changing the fundamentals of the vendor playbook, you might just be able to keep yourself from biting at product bait, and be able to ascertain who the next leaders are and how they will get there. Enjoy our conversation with author Lee Odess on our broadcast.
Nothing like a Crisis to Fuel Innovation
Innovation is the positive response to crisis. We have three leaders this week who have taken what the world has supplied us and used it to strengthen their approach to their business. We find the core disciplines needed to thrive are still in place: leadership, organizational strength, a methodology for success, the resources needed to aggregate, manage, and communicate intelligence that will impact the business, and, finally, the rightsized technology to augment the human.
Nick Weber, a strategic risk consultant, sits down with us and we end up on a journey that starts with the nature of work to the nature of work in security today. We walk away acknowledging that this is a road less travelled.
We had just come off a call with Dr. Rob McKenna speaking about work life balance on his weekly, free leadership series. For Nick, work life balance is probably not an accurate term. He sees work as tied to purpose and passion and, therefore, as more of a river. A river is not linear. You ride the river allowing it to take you, but not control you.
We also talked about the unique problems with our critical infrastructure as well as a surprising way of seeing how our dysfunction may have strengthened our resilience.
I asked Nick to treat me as a client and ask me the questions he would ask in his first meeting. They were questions designed to measure my program as well as my leadership. I think you will appreciate the approach.
Kip Boyle, the CEO of Cyber Risk Opportunities, runs a virtual CISO for business leaders who need leadership and advice in protecting their companies. Seasoned decision makers that are held back by a threat or a perceived lack of discipline that is constraining their business but cannot afford a full-time leader or a team, turn to Kip for “fractional” ownership over the cyber risk.
We are seeing the idea of renting a CSO or CISO is becoming more urgent given the state of risk, the breadth of knowledge and resources needed to manage it, and the evolving landscape of technology. Like any business decision, it is multi-dimensional. He lists three examples of this in our conversation.
“A lot of decision makers have not caught on to the fact that cyber was once seen as obscure” said Kip. “Cyber is now a bonafide business risk, not just a technology issue. It should be a peer risk with operational line of businesses and disciplines that can threaten the viability and long-term prospects of the business.”
Kip terms this a management opportunity in his new book: Fire Doesn’t Innovate: The Executive’s Practical Guide to Thriving in the Face of Evolving Cyber Risks featured on our resource page.
Robert Dodge is the President of Corporate Risk Services at one of the largest security companies in the world; G4S. I wanted to pick his brain on how G4S is innovating in this rapidly changing world. What I discovered is an organization that can meet you where you are and rapidly shift to downsizing or scaling for growth to meet demand. Robert talks a lot about agility. And he has architected his services to meet the speed of a changing business climate.
One of the key pillars of the current and future strategy for growth is the Risk Operations Center (ROC). I was able to tour this in February before The Great Conversation in Palm Beach, Florida. This center contains predictive and proactive intelligence, executive protection, and real time command and control.
This fully leverages the 600,000 security professionals on the ground by marrying this “human sensor” with fully automated intelligence and monitoring. Robert called it “Intelligence-led Risk Management”. He has effectively converged the silos of excellence that have been architected over the last 65 years.
All three of our conversations pointed to a reimagination of leadership, and for Kip and Robert, the business model of security. Change is a constant. Risks are not going away. We need to invest in hiring and training for mindset, be it a vendor or an employee.
Enjoy the conversations. And remember, membership is free. The price for leveraging the knowledge: priceless.
The New Interface to Intelligent Enterprise Security Applications: Audio?
Can you hear me now? This could be a question coming from the security industry. How many years have we suffered a crucial piece of information because we could not hear, be heard, or be understood? The Security Industry Association (SIA) intends to change that with an innovative new Audio and Intelligent Communications Workgroup. We have posted a video conversation with the new leaders of the working group and this short blog.
Value Creation Conversations November 9, 2020
In our strategic valuation assessments, we are always stressing the windows of opportunity do not stay open for long. This underlines the need to be students of value opportunities, and be prepared when they cross your radar. This week’s conversations all have a different approach, but they all practice Carpe diem.
Are You Ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
The Mind of the Investor is a useful tool for business strategy and planning. It can provide you a glimpse of where change might occur. We are featuring an investor thought leader in our leadership series. The conversation is exciting as we begin to peel back the onion on the fourth industrial revolution.
On the Line: Conversations for the Week of November 2
The Mind of the _______________________?
The Rubik’s Cube is a study of randomized, messy configurations of disparate pieces of information that you need to study and configure into an intelligible pattern. You solve it one facet and face at a time. The conversations we showcase this week are really a study in how different leaders are leveraging people and information to make order our of their program and their world.
The Habits of a Security Leader
The digital transformation of our leadership is activated through a recent new publication by one of our community members, George Finney, CSO of Southern Methodist University. We have a great conversation with him and learn that we can develop constructive ‘habits’ that can protect us personally and professionally.
Three Separate Strands forming to Build a Stronger Security Program
Enterprise Risk in Action. The Conversations Continue October 12-16
We are always searching for leadership principles anchored by sound strategy and execution methodologies, buttressed by technology, that will take our industry to the next level. This week features a great conversation with 4 leaders on risk management and some practical innovations that we can deploy today.
A Framework for Evaluating Your Emergency Plans and Preparations
The emergency management cycle is made up of four major parts: Mitigate, Prepare, Respond, and Recover. Emergency management for entities with wide-spread, particularly multinational operations present unique challenges. Ultimately, the goal of emergency management is to minimize the impact on operations, respond effectively and recover efficiently so the organization can get back to its core functions.
Other than facing a crisis, how can you evaluate your plans and preparations to see if they have a good chance of success when it comes time to respond and recover? Having a solid template that is adapted to your industry is a good start, but each operating location will have its own unique variables that are going to impact the plan. To ensure maximum effectiveness, it is critical that the plans and preparations are viable, accurate, and usable for each operating location.
What do I mean by a viable plan? Unfortunately, the plan designed for Ottawa will likely not work in Ouagadougou, nor will the plan for Chicago work in Calcutta. Plans for production facilities will differ greatly from administrative or public-facing operating sites. There are myriad factors that come into play when trying to put together a viable plan for a given location. Some of these include variations on the size, structure, and operations of the location, local laws and effectiveness of local response services, and even variances in construction and fire codes. Another major factor is the make-up of the staff: pre-defined roles and action items will need to be adjusted to fit the specific location being evaluated. The working groups that develop the plans for their location need to be encouraged to evaluate and incorporate these factors into their planning and preparations, not just accept the template as adequate.
Each city in the world is going to have variables that need to be accounted for and there will likely be variables you would never think to consider. It’s always useful to reach out to the local emergency management services, organizations like the International Association of Emergency Managers (, other companies working in the same environment, or the embassy(s) of the countries in which your company is headquartered to get some ideas of the variables to consider.
What do I mean by an accurate plan? The shelf-life of the information in your plan and the equipment used to implement it is limited. Without a regular refreshment, the plan’s viability is again at risk. Contacts need to be regularly reviewed and updated. Here are some example questions to be answered:
Has the operating location itself changed, such as increasing or reducing in size or staff, or a change in operations that needs to be accounted for?
What about the incorporation of new technology into the worksite, such as upgraded cameras, alarms, or communications?
Are there any changes in the local environment, such as a fire department that gets new trucks that are now too big to access your location, or an increase in civil unrest or terrorist threat?
Emergency preparations need to be refreshed as well.
Do the people you trained to take specific actions still work at this location?
Do they need some refresher training?
Are the supplies expired?
Finally, plans and preparations need to be usable. Having a huge binder, or even a small flipchart, that no one ever looks at is not a usable plan. Too often, plans become bloated with too much information and preparations that rely on high-tech solutions that may fail when needed most. Keeping it simple is important. While the overall plan may appear complicated and dense, ensuring it is structured by phase of the planned-for emergency with role-based checklists allows for key information to be extracted in a shorter, more useable form for each employee. While not restricting knowledge of the whole plan from anyone, the key is to help employees focus on their part. Regular communication of this is also key, so that employees are familiar with immediate, potentially life-saving, actions that can be taken if needed.
Keeping supplies accessible and ensuring people know how to use them is critical. Instead of locking up emergency supplies so they are not pilfered, tamper-evident seals or other controls may be a better idea. Make sure to offer regular refreshers on how to operate emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers, satellite phones, or automatic defibrillators, and specialized equipment unique to your business or industry.
Ultimately, no matter how good the overall template is, no template can account for the uniqueness of each operating location in a global setting. With a focus on getting local working groups to adjust the template to focus on creating viable, accurate, and usable plans and preparations the chances of a successful response and recovery can be dramatically increased.
Christopher Stitt has spent more than two decades in international security, emergency management, and law enforcement with the Federal Government. He is also Adjunct Faculty at George Mason University and is credentialed as a Certified Emergency Manager by the International Association of Emergency Managers.
His specialties include: Emergency management; multi-jurisdictional crisis management; enterprise-wide crisis management policy development; program development and management; strategic planning; risk analysis and mitigation strategies; policy and procedure development; technology/policy/process integration; criminal, personnel, internal, and counterintelligence investigations; and dignitary protection.
Leadership Across All Markets: Another Great Conversation
Fireside Chat: The 2020 Fall Series Begins
Learning from the Great Conversations September 2020
People ask me why I want to interview the leaders in our industry. They are surprised when I say that I have always found the stories of others become my story. I learn so much about myself by exploring how others are navigating life, profession, and corporate success. Here are the latest lessons I have learned from a few of our leaders.