Hungry for Service

In everyday life and in business, we transact with salespeople who are the face of companies who produce products and services.

What most of us don’t realize is that many of these salespeople are not fit for purpose. That is, they either never intended to be in professional sales and/or they have been dreadfully trained.

If this is so, then we must get better at identifying salespeople and companies who are sincerely invested in our wants and needs. To help you with this, I am investing in some conversations that might help you understand how top sales training organizations are shaping the behavior of the people who interact with you.

Why is this important? Because most of us “buyers” are adding to our own frustration by not understanding the seller and understanding our own journey in assessing, vetting, and, ultimately, purchasing a product or service that meets our needs.

My first conversation is with Steve Caton, founder and CEO of Altezza. Steve’s business model is focused on helping organizations determine the efficacy of their “sales operating system”; the key elements that dictate the performance of their salespeople and their company. He then provides fractional executive sales assistance to not only model the sales operating system, but also produce results for the executive team.

I had many take aways, as I am sure you will. The one that stood out the most takes place at the end of the conversation when we explore the DNA of a “hungry” salesperson.

Enjoy this great conversation and please, hone your skills in developing your own path to value in the buying process.