The New Value Proposition of Policing

The purpose of teaching is learning and learning is changed behavior. Stephen R. Covey

As a strategic advisor to CEOs, helping to create the story that drives their organization and helping them achieve the promise of that story, I created The Path to Value. It was my way of learning. It was my way of teaching. And learning. And teaching.

I have been able to see and feel first-hand, the attempt of leaders with a background in law enforcement, military, and agency, to become strategic advisors to the business. The best ones attempt to learn the language of the operational leaders of the business. They listen to the value proposition these leaders make for their contribution to the whole business. This informs and infuses their work. In many cases, it changes how they approach their profession.

Law enforcement has been through a roller coaster over the years. Its leaders and officers are being confronted with a new generation and new rules that are challenging their morale and their work. I found one leader who seems energized by this time and place. He is learning the value proposition of his “customer” and leveraging them to create a force multiplier in risk management.

His name is Mike Zegadlo. He is Chief of Police at Lewis University in Romeoville, Illinois. He was an educator and trainer before entering law enforcement. He has leveraged this to create relationships in the community and at the school that is changing the perception of law enforcement. It also is elevating their value.

We have a great conversation around the people, process, and tools he is leveraging to bring the art and practice of policing to the next level.
