Preparing for the Protective Intelligence Summit

One of the key disciplines I have leveraged and taught falls under a personal philosophy of mine: “Never waste an opportunity to learn”

On February 21-23, Ontic, a leading platform for protective intelligence, is hosting a thought leader forum. It promises to be an inflection point for the organizational leaders who influence the policies, procedures, people, and tools around proactive risk management. We are talking about CSOs, CLOs, COOs, CFOs, and CEOs. Risk is now everyone’s business because it impacts the reach and resilience of business which also impacts its brand.

My discipline is to go over the agenda, research the speaker’s backgrounds, research the subject, and then determine the questions I have on the subject matter. I must cultivate an inquiring mind by doing my own research or I become a consumer instead of an active listener. The good news is I asked a fellow attendee who is an executive with a risk management company to review our options with me.

Chuck Randolph has been a senior director of threat intelligence and executive protection at Microsoft and is now Senior Director of Operations for an international risk advisory and executive protection firm called AT-RISK International. We have a great conversation around our potential learnings and the quality of the speakers and the topics.