"Siri: Can you please open the door?"

In business, we start with how people think, feel, and respond. We put tools in their hands. The tools inspire behavior. They become personal and professional. And if you are one of the fortunate, yet small minority, that is successful harnessing their positive reaction to your tool, you are on the path to value.

I seldom see the agents of change be motivated by purely money. They usually seek impact. They consider their legacy; and they want to win. Winning to them is about seizing the opportunity so that they, the market, and their customer, flourish.

I am fortunate to be able to speak with these people at different stages of their thinking. Stephen Pineau, the CEO of Gloocel is my latest. Gloocel seeks to dramatically lower the cost and improve the experience of building owners and their stakeholders, by cutting the cord using mobile and the cloud.

But enjoy the lessons that lurk below the specific market and product. It is another Great Conversation.